Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Dachshunds by Clemens

Dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers (Dachs means Badger). Badgers were a formidable prey and Dachshunds were bred to have courage and bravery bordering on the reckless! Dachshunds also have a good memory to go with their tenaciousness, making them notoriously difficult to bend to your will. Because of this, putative punishments are rarely effective as most dachshunds are sure you'll crack eventually. Dachshunds love taking long walks and enjoy the great outdoors. Unfortunately, their love for the outdoors is also displayed in their passion for digging. Dachshunds like to enter into the spirit of everything you do, which isn't always the greatest help, especially when you are doing something like tying your shoes. They are playful dogs, but they insist on you following their rules of play, which may or may not coincide with the rules commonly used by their other canine cousins. Puppies of Dachshunds are warm and cuddly, and everyone wants to hold and pet them. But puppies demand patience and energy to help them become wonderful family members and companions.

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